Friday 20 June 2008


Scottish National Heritage (SNH) is concerned about climate change on the Cairngorm summits. Mosses, liverworts, lichens and bryophytes generally are having a tough time. The insects they support ditto. And hence the birds such as ptarmigans and snow buntings. If they whole lot disappear it won't matter one jot. Just one less thing for SNH to worry about and one less reason for supporting this bunch of leeches on the public purse. When a few years ago they built a railway to (almost) the top of Cairngorm itself it fed into a cafe where one could spend money on refreshments and souvenirs. But the public couldn't leave the railhead area to walk the short distance to the very top in case they stepped on a newt or a ptarmigan. Neither could they walk down as some might be inclined to do. This is to help ensure that only important scientists can enjoy the hills to the full. Not quite true as anyone was allowed to walk up but then to spite them they weren't allowed into the tea area to enjoy a snack. Or, if they were tired, to go down by train. SNH is one of the quangos that exists to make life more difficult and less pleasant for normal people.