Tuesday, 24 June 2008
The local council describes Birmingham Central Library as a "blot" and wants to pull it down. Freddie Gick, chairman of the Birmingham Civic Trust calls it a "brutalist incinerator" though he may have been influenced by Prince Charles who in the past likened it to an incinerator suitable for burning books. Step in English Heritage who want to have the building listed. That means like the pyramid of Cheops it will be preserved for all time. Except that whereas the pyramid lasted for thousands of years because the pharaohs employed decent architects the library is likely to keel over in less than half a thousand years unless endless amounts of public money are spent on it. The jobsworths at English Heritage are the ones who should be pickled in strong brine and preserved for a few years as an example to other meddlers. Go ahead Birmingham — call in the demolition crew.